Deputy Commissioner Indu Kanwal Chib said that in order to ensure every household receive masks from the administration, steps have been taken to prepare masks by self-help group women at different places in the district. She added that these masks would be supplied to local body officials, sanitary workers and government staff who work closely with the public as well all households of Reasi district and surplus production would be used to meet the demand from public.
DC said that a special training session for self help groups was held at Spiritual Growth Centre Katra in which the group members were given training for making three-ply reusable face masks. They were also given tips for sterilisation of the masks for safe reuse. The training was imparted by Sarpanch Aghar Jitto, Prem Lata and Sarpanch Garan, Asha Devi.
The DC said that special teams from administration will monitor making of masks using safe techniques. She also thanked Hotel Association Katra for providing support in this noble cause.
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