ECHS Polyclinic, Leh, Ladakh invites application to engage persons for the following posts on contractual basis for a period of one year.
OIC Polyclinic 01, Dental Officier 01, LabTeachnician 01, Assistant 01 and Driver 01
Working knowledge of Computers & English language is desirable. For terms & conditions, Application form and Remuneration kindly visit the website: www.echs.gov.in.
The last date for receipt of the application by hand/post is 20 Aug 2020 at Stn HQ Leh C/o 56 APO.
The interview will be conducted in the 2nd / 3 weeks of Sep 2020.
The exact date and mode of the interview will be intimated by the call letter.
How to apply:
Candidates are required to submit self-attested copies of Registration Certificate, Birth Certificate, Degree/ Diploma, year-wise Mark Sheet, Proof of identity & address, and two passport size photographs along with application form. Original certificates are required at the time of the interview.
For queries contact at 01982-258746 / [email protected]
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