YouTube app gets a major update on Android and iOS -
YouTube app gets a major update on Android and iOS
Posted 27 Oct 2020 01:48 PM


YouTube app gets a major update on Android and iOS


YouTube has rolled out a new update for both iOS and Android users and brought some new features and gestures to its mobile app.
Starting with Video chapters, which were launched in May, creators can divide the video into parts and allow you to jump straight to the part of the video you want to watch. These video chapters will appear as a line of timestamps and titles. You can now see a complete list of all the chapters included in the video by tapping on the chapter title in the player. Secondly, YouTube has moved the auto-play and captions button to the top to make it easier for you to access the options. It has introduced new gestures to enter full-screen mode in the app. You can now swipe up to enter full screen and swipe down to exit full screen. And, you can choose to see the time left in the video vs time passed in the video by tapping the timestamp in the bottom left corner of the player. Lastly, YouTube will now suggest actions to provide you with the optimal viewing experience. For example, if you are viewing a VR video or something which should be watched on full screen, YouTube will suggest you to rotate the screen. These new features are being gradually rolled out to everyone on YouTube mobile app. You can install the update from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to try them out.

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