Education Minister to interact with CBSE School Heads on January 28 to discuss NEP implementation -
Education Minister to interact with CBSE School Heads on January 28 to discuss NEP implementation
Posted 27 Jan 2021 12:33 PM


Education Minister to interact with CBSE School Heads on January 28 to discuss NEP implementation


Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ would be interacting with the heads of various CBSE Schools on January 28, 2021 on NEP implementation. The minister would be discussing the role of the school heads in the implementation of the National Education Policy or NEP 2020. The discussion would be live on January 28, 2021, at 2 pm on YouTube Channel. In one of the CBSE headquarter tweets, it is being mentioned that the Education Minister will interact with more than 1000 CBSE school heads. This discussion will be on school heads' role in NEP implementation at the grass-root level. The link to the YouTube channel is here, CBSE Academics & Trainings. The effectiveness of NEP implementation depends at multiple initiatives and actions. Government is making sure that various bodies are synchronized to implement National Education Policy 2020 systematically. Various bodies responsible for implementing NEP 2020 are MHRD, CABE, Union and State Governments, education-related Ministries, State Departments of Education, Boards, NTA, the regulatory bodies of school and higher education, NCERT, SCERTs, schools, and HEIs. The education minister will discuss the timelines and a plan for review with CBSE school heads. This will ensure that the NEP implementation is done in its spirit and intent, through the coherence in planning and synergy across all these bodies involved in education.

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