Won't take Coronavirus vaccine, it's my right, says Brazilian President Bolsonaro - watsupptoday.com
Won't take Coronavirus vaccine, it's my right, says Brazilian President Bolsonaro
Posted 27 Nov 2020 01:51 PM

Image Source: New Indian Express


Won't take Coronavirus vaccine, it's my right, says Brazilian President Bolsonaro

New Delhi
November 27, 2020

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has said that he will not take a Coronavirus vaccine. Bolsonaro has made statements expressing his skepticism toward Coronavirus vaccination programs several times.

In statements broadcast live over multiple social media platforms on Thursday, the right wing leader added that Congress was unlikely to require Brazilians to take a vaccine, news reported.

Brazil has the second-highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the world after the United States (US) and Bolsonaro, who has been infected with the virus in July, has for months played down the seriousness of the pandemic.

"I'm telling you, I'm not going to take it. It's my right," Bolsonaro saying.

According to the report, Bolsonaro also expressed skepticism over the effectiveness of mask wearing in the broadcast, implying there was little conclusive evidence of the effectiveness of masks in preventing the virus from spreading.

The Brazilian President has repeatedly said Brazilians will not be required to be vaccinated when a Coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available. In October, he joked on Twitter that vaccination would be required only for his dog.

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