High blood pressure: Potassium can negate effect of sodium in the body. If have high blood pressure, you must add potassium-rich foods to your diet. Here are some foods you can bank on.
Hypertension or high blood pressure can be controlled with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Potassium is well known as an important nutrient to control high blood pressure. This micronutrient helps in negating effect of sodium in the body. It also has a positive impact on blood vessels, which results in controlled blood pressure. Potassium-rich foods can also help in controlling anxiety and stress. If you have hypertension, you must add potassium-rich foods to your diet. Here are some foods that are good sources.
1. Banana
Banana is a common fruit that you can easily get throughout the year. It is a good source of potassium. Banana also promotes digestion and contains vitamin C. it is a healthy snack that can help you fight hunger pangs. Bananas also contain fibre which can keep you full for longer.
2. Leafy greens
Leafy greens should be an essential part of your diet. It is advised to consume leafy greens regularly to add enough nutrients to your diet. Leafy greens are loaded with potassium as well especially spinach. From salads to drink, you can add leafy greens to different foods you prepare.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a good source of calcium and potassium. It has healthy bacteria good for your gut health. Yogurt is a healthy snack for people with hypertension. Choose natural yogurt and you should avoid sweetened yogurt.
4. Watermelon
Watermelon is a bright red summer fruit with huge water content. It contains potassium which can help in controlling high blood pressure. Watermelon also has a good amount of lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, amino acid, antioxidants and low in sodium and calories.
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