Colds, flu and Covid-19 are caused by different viruses, but can have similar symptoms.It can be hard to judge which one you may have.
Most people who feel ill with coronavirus will have at least one of the key symptoms:
1. High temperature
2. Continuous cough
3. Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste
So what do you need to know about other things you may catch in the coming months?
Does a fever mean I have the coronavirus ?
A high temperature is 37.8C or above. A fever like this can happen when the body is fighting off any infection - not just coronavirus.It is best to use a thermometer to take a measure. But if you don't have one, check if you, or the person you are worried about, feels hot to the touch on the chest or back.
Although fever is a key coronavirus symptom, it could be flu or a different infection.A high temperature is unlikely with a cold.
If you have a fever, arrange a coronavirus test , as soon as possible.
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