Former Indian cricketer and presently an analyst, Akash Chopra, on Friday explained why Virat Kohli hasn't been a successful captain in the Indian Premier League. Among the reasons that Aakash put forth was the dearth of support that Kohli has from his support staff at picking the right players at the auction, compared to Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni.
Speaking in his YouTube channel, Aakash said that RCB have failed to lift the IPL trophy because of the poor selection during the auction, and nRCB are among the few teams to have yet to lift the IPL title despite reaching the final twice. Moreover, in the last three seasons witnessed RCB struggling to make a top-four finish.
"He [Kohli] is surely not a successful IPL captain. The team has not done well, it is actually a fact. And it is not one or two years, but many seasons," Chopra said.
"There are manifold reasons for that. First thing is that they don't pick the correct team. If you see their squad's strength, you can observe glaring mistakes. You can punch holes in them.ot just in a single auction, but over the years.
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