JKBOSE concession in syllabus of classes 10th,11th and 12th Annual Regular 2020
It is notified for information of all the concerned that in view of prevailing COV1D-19 pandemic, the following concession shall be awarded to the students of examination likely to be held in the month of November, 2020 in Ladakh as one time measure.
Classes 10th, 11th and 12th Annual & Regular appearing in the forthcoming students appearing in these examinations shall have to attempt only 70% marks from the question papers which shall be treated as 100% at the time of evaluation.
The Score of students attempting less than 70% from the question paper shall be raised proportionately. The students should note that question papers will be set from the entire syllabus prescribed for the session. However, as the student has to attempt only 70% questions instead of attempting all the questions, thus there is resultant concession of 30%.
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