Google's Bughunter Hall of Fame makes mention of SMVDU students -
Google's Bughunter Hall of Fame makes mention of SMVDU students
Posted 04 Dec 2020 05:14 PM

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Google's Bughunter Hall of Fame makes mention of SMVDU students

Puneet Saraswat (18BCS054) & Harsh Kumar (18BCS035) student, School of Computer Science (SoCSE), Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra, got a mention in Google's Bughunter's Hall of Fame list with worldwide 650th position. The Google's Hall of Fame makes mention of those security researchers and experts who are part of the Google's Bughunter program, with their help Google is making the internet a safer place for everyone.

Previously, Saraswat has also been mentioned by Dell's Hall of Fame and other companies too and Harsh Kumar has helped secure 5+ fortune 500 companies, including Google, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Github, etc. apart from monetary gains. With the motto of "Securing Your Digital Presence"

Puneet Saraswat along with Harsh Kumar started the company named, XploitFree Security to provide security services and security training.

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