SNEEZE OF DEATH-2!!!!!!!!!!
Points to ponder on current situation COVID-19
As per my observations most people don’t understand is that the lock down is in place to slow the progression of the pandemic, and NOT to eradicate it by end of couple of months to come according to me people have misunderstood the point because they naively think the govt will do something magically to get rid of it so life goes back to normal. These are the same people who have ignored the global reality since January. This is the dangerous delusional thinking that some innocent people are applying in their assessment of the situation while advocating we should stop the lockdown because they are literally only waking up to this thing now, or when we were lockdown in phase 1. So let’s lift the whims of these co-citizens.
Flattening the curve means slowing down the disease so that hospitals can cope with the sick. It does not mean eradicating the disease all together. No government will be able to eradicate the disease in current year until a cure or a vaccine is invented which is still minimum a year away. The initial vaccine trials just started late last month. It takes 18 to 24 months to develop, test and assess the efficacy of a vaccine. So 1 year is surely in dilemma . No signs of normalcy back for at least a year . Global economies will keep falling and we are likely to have regular lockdowns until a vaccine is found. Even when the lockdown is lifted, tourism, hospitality, IT, garment industry, and many others will be worse affected in business for at least a year on. Until a vaccine is found people will prefer to remain in issolation even when a lock down is lifted. The only reprieve we are going to get is if we have thousands of people who have been infected and recovered and minimum deaths so that we have some level of herd immunity. That is also still a theory that is yet to be proven because some countries have apprehension of their people getting re-infected. Even with that in place normal is not feasible because fear still reigns and people will remain isolated until safety is guaranteed- cure or vaccine. The above is still 6 months away. We are projected to reach our peak in September. That means, bleeding economy, rolling lockdowns, death and chaos until then. The decisions made in the lockdown like no alcohol and no dog walking or running and no e-commerce are not made with the privileged in mind. They are made with the masses in mind. What you allow in the suburbs you must allow in the townships and those two things look very different in execution.
Though our government is doing the best it can with limited health resources but they have not reacted faster than most developed countries . The best example has been give by small country Vietnam without any lock down and very little testing they have not allowed virus to enter their country. When our media and government officials were busy in Ahmadabad to receive President Trump Vietnam govt. had already achieved victory over pandemic. So we all need to do a bit from our side by helping poor , our neighbors, support our government and stop having delusional ideas about any level of normalcy at the end of this month. Adjust your projections and hunker down. This is not a Joke and the shit is not even anywhere near any semblance of real yet. Normal is dead. Let that sink in.But hope is very much alive! Let us hope, pray and be prepared for a long drawn battle.
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