Director-General of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Dilbag Singh has lashed out at Congress leaders and lobby for questioning valor of brave hearts in the uniform, saying such irresponsible statements and remarks are often used by Pakistan and its proxies to malign the forces and India.
Hitting out at Congress leader P L Punia and others, for their recent statement questioning security forces day after Pulwama bid was foiled, the Director-General Police, in an exclusive interview to national television channel Times Now (TN), advised them to keep their mouth shut.
The police chief of the sensitive Union Territory shared details of new modus operandi and strategies adopted by Pakistan based terror outfits in Kashmir, revealing that organizations like Jaish-e-Mohammad, in order to minimize their casualty and cause maximum damage, was resorting to improvised explosive device (IED) attacks.
“Despite difficulties and challenges, Jammu and Kashmir Police is well prepared to weed out terror to ensure peace and prosperity for the people of the Union Territory”, Dilbag Singh said.
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