Smokers Are More Vulnerable To Covid-19 -
Smokers Are More Vulnerable To Covid-19
Posted 17 Sep 2020 12:14 PM


Smokers Are More Vulnerable To Covid-19

New Delhi, 17-Sep-2020

Cigarette smoking and Covid-19 may be a deadly combination
In smokers, weak lungs coupled with Covid-19 may result in more serious health outcomes. Being a virus that targets the respiratory system, when Covid-19 attacks the already impaired lungs of a smoker, it can make the condition critical, also leading to fatality. As per WHO, smokers tend to need more intensive care. Also, fatality rates due to Covid-19 are higher among people with chronic respiratory disease, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other comorbidities that are directly linked to smoking.

Improving the health of smokers
Smokers have lower health-related quality of life, higher rates of hospitalisation and healthcare visits, and more chances of developing life-threatening diseases than non-smokers. 4,5 Smoking also destroys the lung tissues, impairs the capacity of the body to fight infections, and renders smokers prone to bronchial asthma, and other lung diseases.6,7 when you quit smoking, it significantly reduces these risks and repairs the lung damage caused by all the smoke one inhales. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is a part of the essential medicines list for WHO8. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the US FDA have approved this therapy as an effective strategy to decrease the usage of tobacco products and quit smoking in a safe manner. Nicotex works on this therapy, reduces dependency on tobacco products, increases the likelihood of staying smoke-free, and eventually improves the overall quality of life.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Kick the habit in an effective way
The benefits of quitting smoking are well known. The process in itself, however, becomes very tough. This usually happens because smokers find it difficult to manage the cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is a medically-approved method to quit smoking. 10 A reliable and effective product used for this therapy is Nicotex that delivers a small, controlled amount of nicotine sans the other toxic agents and harmful chemicals that cigarettes contain, and can help you manage those cravings and withdrawal symptoms. There is no disputing that the journey to quit smoking is going to be tough. But there has never been a more urgent time than now to kick the habit. Nicotex is designed to make it easier and hence should be made a part of the �quit smoking� plan for every smoker.

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